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Travel information for staff

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This toolkit offers an easy-to-use template for you to populate and upload on to your staff web pages, staff notice boards, or include within a staff induction pack. The information has been written so that all you need to do is add your site-specific information (the sections in italics are for you to amend).

Why provide staff with travel information?

By providing travel information to staff, you are empowering you and your workforce to make smarter travel choices. Sustainable and active travel have a positive impact on both the environment, our physical and mental health. A happy and healthy workforce helps to ensure less sickness and higher productivity.

Template travel information for staff web pages

[Enter name of organisation] is committed to encouraging you to make smarter travel choices for your commute and whilst travelling on business. The information provided is practical advice to help you make positive changes to the way you travel.  Green travel helps to reduce expenses such as car parking and fuel, as well as being more active, reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion.

[Do you have a travel plan? If so, give details here.]

Travel options: [each of these sections should hyperlink to new pages about each mode. Include a map at the top of this section highlighting the office location with nearby travel facilities that you mention below marked on]

The first step you can take towards active and sustainable travel is requesting a personal travel plan from Travel Devon. This will give you a series of travel options and modes for you to choose from considering where you live and the time you need to be at work.


Regular walking is a good cardiovascular workout, and guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, or a combination of both. Travel Devon have some top tips to get the most out of your walk to work.

[Include details of routes, maps and provide staff with a link to the Exeter Walking Map]


Cycling is a fun, cheap, and fast way to travel from A to B. [Include details of routes and maps here. You can download cycle maps from Travel Devon or plan a cycling route using Cycle Streets. Include details on any Cycle schemes, pool bikes, cycle parking, lockers, showers, drying rooms, buddy schemes etc… you have. If you are based in Exeter and located near a Co-bike dock, you could promote Co-bikes as an alternative for business travel or commuting.]

Public transport

[Include details of nearby bus stops & train stations, timetables, maps of routes and nearby stops and stations, journey planners, subsidised ticket deals etc. See our Public Transport toolkit for more information]

Park & Ride

[Include details of timetables, maps of nearest Park & Ride etc.]


[Include details of motorcycle parking bays, showers, lockers, drying rooms etc…]

Carshare Devon

[Include a hyperlink to, and highlight any car sharing groups within your organisation]

Eco Driving

By making modest changes to your driving and adopt an ‘eco driving’ style to use less fuel on every journey made, save money, reduce CO2 emissions and be a safer driver. [Include information from our Promoting Eco Driving Toolkit to give people tips and where to find more information].


[Include details of your car parking system – car free days, charging scheme, parking charges or restrictions etc. You can also link to live travel information, such as]

Useful information

  • Facilities[Include information about lockers, showers and drying rooms available to staff who travel by sustainable and active modes]
  • Flexible working [Do staff need to travel at all? Include details of teleconferencing, videoconferencing or flexible working opportunities, such as working from home. See our Remote Working toolkit for more details]
  • Travel for work[Include details of any Health & Safety guidance relating to business travel. Are there pool cars or bikes available for staff to use? Guidance and information about how to book these out. Businesses located in Exeter could use Co Bikes for travel on business.]
  • Travel claims – [Include details of how staff can claim for travel costs and the rates for different modes]


Contact details

For more information on questions relating to travel, contact [enter details of relevant person – where possible, a Travel Champion].

Further information and support

Want to encourage smarter travel to work at your organisation? Businesses in Exeter, Barnstaple and Newton Abbot are eligible for free business support to start travel planning, including support offers for individual members of staff. Email to find out more.


Please note: When following our toolkits, please also refer to the government guidance for safer travel.

This page was last updated November 2020.