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Lady standing on a station platform waiting for the train, holding a folding bike

Transport isn't just about getting from A to B

It's an essential part of business

Our goal is to empower you and your workforce to make smarter travel choices. Sustainable and active travel have a positive impact on both our environment and our physical and mental health.

It is also a key element of establishing a modern, environmentally conscious workplace culture. Encouraging sustainable and active travel will not only benefit your employee’s, it will benefit your business.

Start your journey to smarter travel choices
Start the journey

Three easy steps to unlock the benefits of smarter travel


Our travel audit is the first step in making your business an industry leader in green and sustainable travel. The audit gives you an idea of how well your business currently supports sustainable and active travel and provides a clear direction on areas to improve.


Find out exactly how your staff currently travel and what is preventing them from making smarter travel choices. This will help you provide the most appropriate support in choosing more sustainable and active alternatives.


Use information from the audit and survey, as well as the resources on this website, to develop an effective travel plan for your organisation. This plan will be the foundation for unlocking the benefits of sustainable and active travel in your workplace.

Register to get started

The most popular options for

Greener alternative travel